Boosting Video Popularity on TikTok's Top List

Boosting Video Popularity on TikTok's Top List

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Boosting Video Popularity on TikTok’s Top List

FREE Top 10 TikTok Ideas to Make Your Videos Go Viral

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Shanoon Cox

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

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Nowadays, you are either a TikTok influencer, or a follower, or a critic!

The revolutionary Chinese social network amasses video clips of the max length of 60 seconds, ideally shot on simple mobile phones, created easily and published for free. TikTok now seems to be a part of everyone’s life through the most popular lip-syncing videos, one-act dance routines, 1-min recipes, funny clips, and stuff like the bottle cap challenge.

More or less the heart and soul of today’s teenagers and young adults, and sometimes even senior citizens, TikTok now has over 1 billion users and became the World’s 7th most downloaded app, all within a span of 3years since its release in 2016.

What started with fun and games has become a serious platform to showcase one’s talent and gain followers, earn money, and even stardom. Such provisions have stirred fierce competition among influencers, for what seems like the Wars of Creativity to publish more and more viral-worthy videos.

If you are an influencer looking for new and amazing TikTok ideas to make your videos go viral, then here is a stimulus.

TikTok vs YouTube

TikTok may be one of a kind, but it is not the only platform where you can publish your mobile-made videos without much ado. The protagonist of that story is still, YouTube. TikTok being a game-changer in the scene, is giving maximum competition to all other social networks and digital platforms that deal with video-sharing, such as Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook. But the tiff between YouTube and TikTok surpasses all other competitions because only these two are all about Videos.

Nature of Content

The main difference between YouTube and TikTok is the nature of the content. YouTube is a broader spectrum than TikTok, for it contains feature-length movies, episodes of off-air Television Series, music videos, podcasts, and personal videos is just a part of it. But TikTok revolves around short video clips. And just that.

User Base

TikTok has a niche user base, with the majority of users between 16 and 25 yo. Meanwhile, YouTube reserves a universal user base, catering to people of all ages and from different walks of life.


TikTok is primarily a casual, youth-centric platform. While it is useful for highlighting one’s talent and engaging a loyal fanbase, it is not ideal for business promotion, or to present a show in a traditional way, which is a substantial offering of YouTube. But on the flip side, due to the vastness of YouTube, short and casual videos like the ones typically available in TikTok, have limited scope to go viral.

Therefore, the difference between TikTok and YouTube is like Apples and Oranges. They are both fruits and are sweet. But are different species with different tastes.

Top 10 TikTok Video Ideas to Boost More Followers

1. Music Videos

A common theme of most viral TikTok videos is they tend to be cute and cuddly. As part of music videos, you are required to imitate certain adorable songs by performing their actions either using your hands or by putting your whole body into action. These songs can be typically found in the trending section of the app and it does not take much effort to figure out the ones that are high in popularity. The catch here is that you need to be among the frontrunners in terms of covering these songs so that you can find yourself a large captive audience to influence at the earliest.

Here is an example of a girl showing off her TikTok music video skills

2. Dance Videos

If it is short, funny, and uses the correct hashtags, your dance video can create a lot of influence among your followers. Oh, and don’t forget to pair them up with the correct background score. A song that is already trending and popular on the social platform will only boost your video’s chances of a hit. A short and easy dance always does the business, even better if it can be used for a meme.

This is a good example of what your dance video should look like . Now isn’t that the perfect ingredient for the next viral meme on the market!

3. Calming Videos

Just because it’s a TikTok video doesn’t mean that it has to be over-the-top and loud. Sometimes, keeping things simple is the secret to success. Calming videos are those where something that most would otherwise consider weird or mundane exerts a feeling of calm on the viewer. Most social media platforms have helped such videos gain immense popularity but finding the right explanation of what these pertain to is a pretty difficult task.

Look at this video of color droplets being sprayed from the tip of a brush . Did that not calm your mind?

4. Objects Singing Videos

One of the viral TikTok memes had several objects singing Adele’s hit number “ Someone Like You”. This could be something for you to base your ideas on for a new viral video. Use any object around the house, not even necessary that it should move about. The trick lies in finding the right song to pair with, something that will lend a soul to the object and give the impression of the performance coming from a real person.

See if Pikachu and his orchestra can provide you with some inspiration

5. Art Videos

This one is for all the artists out there. If you are someone who creates figurines, pictures, or any other form of art, then don’t let your creative process go unnoticed – rather, film it and put it up as a Tik Tok video. The social media platform has many takers for such videos that show the process behind every creative job as it helps give a view into the thought process of an artist, however minute. This is also a good way for you to promote your work on social media, helping you gain greater exposure in the long run. Add some creative twists to these videos and help them stand out in the crowd.

Here is someone showing off their artistic skills

6.1-Minute Recipes

If you are a cooking aficionado and often dabble around in the kitchen for preparing new recipes, then TikTok is a good place to share your cooking videos. While fitting in the entire video into a matter of a few seconds can prove difficult, it is certainly not impossible. Skip the commentary and speed up the videos but make sure they are of self-explanatory nature. If cooking is not your thing, you can also post videos of what you eat every day – there is a sizable follower base for that category as well!

Chef Shereen will show you how to cook a Santa Claus Melon here

7. Animal Videos

Oh, those amazing creations of the Almighty! When it comes to cute pet clips, there is very little you can go wrong with. Be it tricks, reaction to your singing, or simply them having a jolly good time, there is always a lot of attention on pets. If you have not done so already, it is time to capture the acts of your pets on camera and start pulling in the followers. The music needs to be as adorable as the pets themselves and make sure they are at ease doing what you ask them to do. The more authentic the reaction, the more attention your video will get. Use the shots where you get the sincerest reactions to come up with the most interesting clips.

Just look at this adorable little doggo

8. Funny TikTok Ideas

Narrate funny stories with your twist in the narrative, few sources of entertainment can be as good! Even asking a simple question could count under this category. Don’t be dissuaded by the short time frame. You can also come up with your own stories about things you observed around you on a day-to-day basis. As long as you keep it hilarious, your fans will love it.

9. Words of Positivity

You are sure to have a favorite song. How about tweaking the lyrics a bit to make it sound more current, something that fits in better with current sentiments? Love for the environment, gender diversity, anti-racism, are some of the genres you can work with. The more resounding your message, the more will be the views it generates. Ensure your new lyrics are in tune with the overall tempo of the song and focus on keeping it positive.

Here is someone promoting respect for women

10. Challenges

Social media challenges such as the Ice Bucket Challenge usually never fail to go viral. So, if you are looking to boost your follower base, go ahead and take up a trending challenge and post it on TikTok. You may create your challenge and set trends for others to follow.

Here is an interesting challenge that even had US Senator Elizabeth Warren chipping in


These are some of the inspirational ideas that you can consider for coming up with winning content for your TikTok followers. Do not limit yourself to creativity knows no bounds. Experiment with different styles and you may just find something unique that earns you celebrity status on this popular social media platform.

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Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

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Nowadays, you are either a TikTok influencer, or a follower, or a critic!

The revolutionary Chinese social network amasses video clips of the max length of 60 seconds, ideally shot on simple mobile phones, created easily and published for free. TikTok now seems to be a part of everyone’s life through the most popular lip-syncing videos, one-act dance routines, 1-min recipes, funny clips, and stuff like the bottle cap challenge.

More or less the heart and soul of today’s teenagers and young adults, and sometimes even senior citizens, TikTok now has over 1 billion users and became the World’s 7th most downloaded app, all within a span of 3years since its release in 2016.

What started with fun and games has become a serious platform to showcase one’s talent and gain followers, earn money, and even stardom. Such provisions have stirred fierce competition among influencers, for what seems like the Wars of Creativity to publish more and more viral-worthy videos.

If you are an influencer looking for new and amazing TikTok ideas to make your videos go viral, then here is a stimulus.

TikTok vs YouTube

TikTok may be one of a kind, but it is not the only platform where you can publish your mobile-made videos without much ado. The protagonist of that story is still, YouTube. TikTok being a game-changer in the scene, is giving maximum competition to all other social networks and digital platforms that deal with video-sharing, such as Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook. But the tiff between YouTube and TikTok surpasses all other competitions because only these two are all about Videos.

Nature of Content

The main difference between YouTube and TikTok is the nature of the content. YouTube is a broader spectrum than TikTok, for it contains feature-length movies, episodes of off-air Television Series, music videos, podcasts, and personal videos is just a part of it. But TikTok revolves around short video clips. And just that.

User Base

TikTok has a niche user base, with the majority of users between 16 and 25 yo. Meanwhile, YouTube reserves a universal user base, catering to people of all ages and from different walks of life.


TikTok is primarily a casual, youth-centric platform. While it is useful for highlighting one’s talent and engaging a loyal fanbase, it is not ideal for business promotion, or to present a show in a traditional way, which is a substantial offering of YouTube. But on the flip side, due to the vastness of YouTube, short and casual videos like the ones typically available in TikTok, have limited scope to go viral.

Therefore, the difference between TikTok and YouTube is like Apples and Oranges. They are both fruits and are sweet. But are different species with different tastes.

Top 10 TikTok Video Ideas to Boost More Followers

1. Music Videos

A common theme of most viral TikTok videos is they tend to be cute and cuddly. As part of music videos, you are required to imitate certain adorable songs by performing their actions either using your hands or by putting your whole body into action. These songs can be typically found in the trending section of the app and it does not take much effort to figure out the ones that are high in popularity. The catch here is that you need to be among the frontrunners in terms of covering these songs so that you can find yourself a large captive audience to influence at the earliest.

Here is an example of a girl showing off her TikTok music video skills

2. Dance Videos

If it is short, funny, and uses the correct hashtags, your dance video can create a lot of influence among your followers. Oh, and don’t forget to pair them up with the correct background score. A song that is already trending and popular on the social platform will only boost your video’s chances of a hit. A short and easy dance always does the business, even better if it can be used for a meme.

This is a good example of what your dance video should look like . Now isn’t that the perfect ingredient for the next viral meme on the market!

3. Calming Videos

Just because it’s a TikTok video doesn’t mean that it has to be over-the-top and loud. Sometimes, keeping things simple is the secret to success. Calming videos are those where something that most would otherwise consider weird or mundane exerts a feeling of calm on the viewer. Most social media platforms have helped such videos gain immense popularity but finding the right explanation of what these pertain to is a pretty difficult task.

Look at this video of color droplets being sprayed from the tip of a brush . Did that not calm your mind?

4. Objects Singing Videos

One of the viral TikTok memes had several objects singing Adele’s hit number “ Someone Like You”. This could be something for you to base your ideas on for a new viral video. Use any object around the house, not even necessary that it should move about. The trick lies in finding the right song to pair with, something that will lend a soul to the object and give the impression of the performance coming from a real person.

See if Pikachu and his orchestra can provide you with some inspiration

5. Art Videos

This one is for all the artists out there. If you are someone who creates figurines, pictures, or any other form of art, then don’t let your creative process go unnoticed – rather, film it and put it up as a Tik Tok video. The social media platform has many takers for such videos that show the process behind every creative job as it helps give a view into the thought process of an artist, however minute. This is also a good way for you to promote your work on social media, helping you gain greater exposure in the long run. Add some creative twists to these videos and help them stand out in the crowd.

Here is someone showing off their artistic skills

6.1-Minute Recipes

If you are a cooking aficionado and often dabble around in the kitchen for preparing new recipes, then TikTok is a good place to share your cooking videos. While fitting in the entire video into a matter of a few seconds can prove difficult, it is certainly not impossible. Skip the commentary and speed up the videos but make sure they are of self-explanatory nature. If cooking is not your thing, you can also post videos of what you eat every day – there is a sizable follower base for that category as well!

Chef Shereen will show you how to cook a Santa Claus Melon here

7. Animal Videos

Oh, those amazing creations of the Almighty! When it comes to cute pet clips, there is very little you can go wrong with. Be it tricks, reaction to your singing, or simply them having a jolly good time, there is always a lot of attention on pets. If you have not done so already, it is time to capture the acts of your pets on camera and start pulling in the followers. The music needs to be as adorable as the pets themselves and make sure they are at ease doing what you ask them to do. The more authentic the reaction, the more attention your video will get. Use the shots where you get the sincerest reactions to come up with the most interesting clips.

Just look at this adorable little doggo

8. Funny TikTok Ideas

Narrate funny stories with your twist in the narrative, few sources of entertainment can be as good! Even asking a simple question could count under this category. Don’t be dissuaded by the short time frame. You can also come up with your own stories about things you observed around you on a day-to-day basis. As long as you keep it hilarious, your fans will love it.

9. Words of Positivity

You are sure to have a favorite song. How about tweaking the lyrics a bit to make it sound more current, something that fits in better with current sentiments? Love for the environment, gender diversity, anti-racism, are some of the genres you can work with. The more resounding your message, the more will be the views it generates. Ensure your new lyrics are in tune with the overall tempo of the song and focus on keeping it positive.

Here is someone promoting respect for women

10. Challenges

Social media challenges such as the Ice Bucket Challenge usually never fail to go viral. So, if you are looking to boost your follower base, go ahead and take up a trending challenge and post it on TikTok. You may create your challenge and set trends for others to follow.

Here is an interesting challenge that even had US Senator Elizabeth Warren chipping in


These are some of the inspirational ideas that you can consider for coming up with winning content for your TikTok followers. Do not limit yourself to creativity knows no bounds. Experiment with different styles and you may just find something unique that earns you celebrity status on this popular social media platform.

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Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

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Nowadays, you are either a TikTok influencer, or a follower, or a critic!

The revolutionary Chinese social network amasses video clips of the max length of 60 seconds, ideally shot on simple mobile phones, created easily and published for free. TikTok now seems to be a part of everyone’s life through the most popular lip-syncing videos, one-act dance routines, 1-min recipes, funny clips, and stuff like the bottle cap challenge.

More or less the heart and soul of today’s teenagers and young adults, and sometimes even senior citizens, TikTok now has over 1 billion users and became the World’s 7th most downloaded app, all within a span of 3years since its release in 2016.

What started with fun and games has become a serious platform to showcase one’s talent and gain followers, earn money, and even stardom. Such provisions have stirred fierce competition among influencers, for what seems like the Wars of Creativity to publish more and more viral-worthy videos.

If you are an influencer looking for new and amazing TikTok ideas to make your videos go viral, then here is a stimulus.

TikTok vs YouTube

TikTok may be one of a kind, but it is not the only platform where you can publish your mobile-made videos without much ado. The protagonist of that story is still, YouTube. TikTok being a game-changer in the scene, is giving maximum competition to all other social networks and digital platforms that deal with video-sharing, such as Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook. But the tiff between YouTube and TikTok surpasses all other competitions because only these two are all about Videos.

Nature of Content

The main difference between YouTube and TikTok is the nature of the content. YouTube is a broader spectrum than TikTok, for it contains feature-length movies, episodes of off-air Television Series, music videos, podcasts, and personal videos is just a part of it. But TikTok revolves around short video clips. And just that.

User Base

TikTok has a niche user base, with the majority of users between 16 and 25 yo. Meanwhile, YouTube reserves a universal user base, catering to people of all ages and from different walks of life.


TikTok is primarily a casual, youth-centric platform. While it is useful for highlighting one’s talent and engaging a loyal fanbase, it is not ideal for business promotion, or to present a show in a traditional way, which is a substantial offering of YouTube. But on the flip side, due to the vastness of YouTube, short and casual videos like the ones typically available in TikTok, have limited scope to go viral.

Therefore, the difference between TikTok and YouTube is like Apples and Oranges. They are both fruits and are sweet. But are different species with different tastes.

Top 10 TikTok Video Ideas to Boost More Followers

1. Music Videos

A common theme of most viral TikTok videos is they tend to be cute and cuddly. As part of music videos, you are required to imitate certain adorable songs by performing their actions either using your hands or by putting your whole body into action. These songs can be typically found in the trending section of the app and it does not take much effort to figure out the ones that are high in popularity. The catch here is that you need to be among the frontrunners in terms of covering these songs so that you can find yourself a large captive audience to influence at the earliest.

Here is an example of a girl showing off her TikTok music video skills

2. Dance Videos

If it is short, funny, and uses the correct hashtags, your dance video can create a lot of influence among your followers. Oh, and don’t forget to pair them up with the correct background score. A song that is already trending and popular on the social platform will only boost your video’s chances of a hit. A short and easy dance always does the business, even better if it can be used for a meme.

This is a good example of what your dance video should look like . Now isn’t that the perfect ingredient for the next viral meme on the market!

3. Calming Videos

Just because it’s a TikTok video doesn’t mean that it has to be over-the-top and loud. Sometimes, keeping things simple is the secret to success. Calming videos are those where something that most would otherwise consider weird or mundane exerts a feeling of calm on the viewer. Most social media platforms have helped such videos gain immense popularity but finding the right explanation of what these pertain to is a pretty difficult task.

Look at this video of color droplets being sprayed from the tip of a brush . Did that not calm your mind?

4. Objects Singing Videos

One of the viral TikTok memes had several objects singing Adele’s hit number “ Someone Like You”. This could be something for you to base your ideas on for a new viral video. Use any object around the house, not even necessary that it should move about. The trick lies in finding the right song to pair with, something that will lend a soul to the object and give the impression of the performance coming from a real person.

See if Pikachu and his orchestra can provide you with some inspiration

5. Art Videos

This one is for all the artists out there. If you are someone who creates figurines, pictures, or any other form of art, then don’t let your creative process go unnoticed – rather, film it and put it up as a Tik Tok video. The social media platform has many takers for such videos that show the process behind every creative job as it helps give a view into the thought process of an artist, however minute. This is also a good way for you to promote your work on social media, helping you gain greater exposure in the long run. Add some creative twists to these videos and help them stand out in the crowd.

Here is someone showing off their artistic skills

6.1-Minute Recipes

If you are a cooking aficionado and often dabble around in the kitchen for preparing new recipes, then TikTok is a good place to share your cooking videos. While fitting in the entire video into a matter of a few seconds can prove difficult, it is certainly not impossible. Skip the commentary and speed up the videos but make sure they are of self-explanatory nature. If cooking is not your thing, you can also post videos of what you eat every day – there is a sizable follower base for that category as well!

Chef Shereen will show you how to cook a Santa Claus Melon here

7. Animal Videos

Oh, those amazing creations of the Almighty! When it comes to cute pet clips, there is very little you can go wrong with. Be it tricks, reaction to your singing, or simply them having a jolly good time, there is always a lot of attention on pets. If you have not done so already, it is time to capture the acts of your pets on camera and start pulling in the followers. The music needs to be as adorable as the pets themselves and make sure they are at ease doing what you ask them to do. The more authentic the reaction, the more attention your video will get. Use the shots where you get the sincerest reactions to come up with the most interesting clips.

Just look at this adorable little doggo

8. Funny TikTok Ideas

Narrate funny stories with your twist in the narrative, few sources of entertainment can be as good! Even asking a simple question could count under this category. Don’t be dissuaded by the short time frame. You can also come up with your own stories about things you observed around you on a day-to-day basis. As long as you keep it hilarious, your fans will love it.

9. Words of Positivity

You are sure to have a favorite song. How about tweaking the lyrics a bit to make it sound more current, something that fits in better with current sentiments? Love for the environment, gender diversity, anti-racism, are some of the genres you can work with. The more resounding your message, the more will be the views it generates. Ensure your new lyrics are in tune with the overall tempo of the song and focus on keeping it positive.

Here is someone promoting respect for women

10. Challenges

Social media challenges such as the Ice Bucket Challenge usually never fail to go viral. So, if you are looking to boost your follower base, go ahead and take up a trending challenge and post it on TikTok. You may create your challenge and set trends for others to follow.

Here is an interesting challenge that even had US Senator Elizabeth Warren chipping in


These are some of the inspirational ideas that you can consider for coming up with winning content for your TikTok followers. Do not limit yourself to creativity knows no bounds. Experiment with different styles and you may just find something unique that earns you celebrity status on this popular social media platform.

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author avatar

Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

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Nowadays, you are either a TikTok influencer, or a follower, or a critic!

The revolutionary Chinese social network amasses video clips of the max length of 60 seconds, ideally shot on simple mobile phones, created easily and published for free. TikTok now seems to be a part of everyone’s life through the most popular lip-syncing videos, one-act dance routines, 1-min recipes, funny clips, and stuff like the bottle cap challenge.

More or less the heart and soul of today’s teenagers and young adults, and sometimes even senior citizens, TikTok now has over 1 billion users and became the World’s 7th most downloaded app, all within a span of 3years since its release in 2016.

What started with fun and games has become a serious platform to showcase one’s talent and gain followers, earn money, and even stardom. Such provisions have stirred fierce competition among influencers, for what seems like the Wars of Creativity to publish more and more viral-worthy videos.

If you are an influencer looking for new and amazing TikTok ideas to make your videos go viral, then here is a stimulus.

TikTok vs YouTube

TikTok may be one of a kind, but it is not the only platform where you can publish your mobile-made videos without much ado. The protagonist of that story is still, YouTube. TikTok being a game-changer in the scene, is giving maximum competition to all other social networks and digital platforms that deal with video-sharing, such as Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook. But the tiff between YouTube and TikTok surpasses all other competitions because only these two are all about Videos.

Nature of Content

The main difference between YouTube and TikTok is the nature of the content. YouTube is a broader spectrum than TikTok, for it contains feature-length movies, episodes of off-air Television Series, music videos, podcasts, and personal videos is just a part of it. But TikTok revolves around short video clips. And just that.

User Base

TikTok has a niche user base, with the majority of users between 16 and 25 yo. Meanwhile, YouTube reserves a universal user base, catering to people of all ages and from different walks of life.


TikTok is primarily a casual, youth-centric platform. While it is useful for highlighting one’s talent and engaging a loyal fanbase, it is not ideal for business promotion, or to present a show in a traditional way, which is a substantial offering of YouTube. But on the flip side, due to the vastness of YouTube, short and casual videos like the ones typically available in TikTok, have limited scope to go viral.

Therefore, the difference between TikTok and YouTube is like Apples and Oranges. They are both fruits and are sweet. But are different species with different tastes.

Top 10 TikTok Video Ideas to Boost More Followers

1. Music Videos

A common theme of most viral TikTok videos is they tend to be cute and cuddly. As part of music videos, you are required to imitate certain adorable songs by performing their actions either using your hands or by putting your whole body into action. These songs can be typically found in the trending section of the app and it does not take much effort to figure out the ones that are high in popularity. The catch here is that you need to be among the frontrunners in terms of covering these songs so that you can find yourself a large captive audience to influence at the earliest.

Here is an example of a girl showing off her TikTok music video skills

2. Dance Videos

If it is short, funny, and uses the correct hashtags, your dance video can create a lot of influence among your followers. Oh, and don’t forget to pair them up with the correct background score. A song that is already trending and popular on the social platform will only boost your video’s chances of a hit. A short and easy dance always does the business, even better if it can be used for a meme.

This is a good example of what your dance video should look like . Now isn’t that the perfect ingredient for the next viral meme on the market!

3. Calming Videos

Just because it’s a TikTok video doesn’t mean that it has to be over-the-top and loud. Sometimes, keeping things simple is the secret to success. Calming videos are those where something that most would otherwise consider weird or mundane exerts a feeling of calm on the viewer. Most social media platforms have helped such videos gain immense popularity but finding the right explanation of what these pertain to is a pretty difficult task.

Look at this video of color droplets being sprayed from the tip of a brush . Did that not calm your mind?

4. Objects Singing Videos

One of the viral TikTok memes had several objects singing Adele’s hit number “ Someone Like You”. This could be something for you to base your ideas on for a new viral video. Use any object around the house, not even necessary that it should move about. The trick lies in finding the right song to pair with, something that will lend a soul to the object and give the impression of the performance coming from a real person.

See if Pikachu and his orchestra can provide you with some inspiration

5. Art Videos

This one is for all the artists out there. If you are someone who creates figurines, pictures, or any other form of art, then don’t let your creative process go unnoticed – rather, film it and put it up as a Tik Tok video. The social media platform has many takers for such videos that show the process behind every creative job as it helps give a view into the thought process of an artist, however minute. This is also a good way for you to promote your work on social media, helping you gain greater exposure in the long run. Add some creative twists to these videos and help them stand out in the crowd.

Here is someone showing off their artistic skills

6.1-Minute Recipes

If you are a cooking aficionado and often dabble around in the kitchen for preparing new recipes, then TikTok is a good place to share your cooking videos. While fitting in the entire video into a matter of a few seconds can prove difficult, it is certainly not impossible. Skip the commentary and speed up the videos but make sure they are of self-explanatory nature. If cooking is not your thing, you can also post videos of what you eat every day – there is a sizable follower base for that category as well!

Chef Shereen will show you how to cook a Santa Claus Melon here

7. Animal Videos

Oh, those amazing creations of the Almighty! When it comes to cute pet clips, there is very little you can go wrong with. Be it tricks, reaction to your singing, or simply them having a jolly good time, there is always a lot of attention on pets. If you have not done so already, it is time to capture the acts of your pets on camera and start pulling in the followers. The music needs to be as adorable as the pets themselves and make sure they are at ease doing what you ask them to do. The more authentic the reaction, the more attention your video will get. Use the shots where you get the sincerest reactions to come up with the most interesting clips.

Just look at this adorable little doggo

8. Funny TikTok Ideas

Narrate funny stories with your twist in the narrative, few sources of entertainment can be as good! Even asking a simple question could count under this category. Don’t be dissuaded by the short time frame. You can also come up with your own stories about things you observed around you on a day-to-day basis. As long as you keep it hilarious, your fans will love it.

9. Words of Positivity

You are sure to have a favorite song. How about tweaking the lyrics a bit to make it sound more current, something that fits in better with current sentiments? Love for the environment, gender diversity, anti-racism, are some of the genres you can work with. The more resounding your message, the more will be the views it generates. Ensure your new lyrics are in tune with the overall tempo of the song and focus on keeping it positive.

Here is someone promoting respect for women

10. Challenges

Social media challenges such as the Ice Bucket Challenge usually never fail to go viral. So, if you are looking to boost your follower base, go ahead and take up a trending challenge and post it on TikTok. You may create your challenge and set trends for others to follow.

Here is an interesting challenge that even had US Senator Elizabeth Warren chipping in


These are some of the inspirational ideas that you can consider for coming up with winning content for your TikTok followers. Do not limit yourself to creativity knows no bounds. Experiment with different styles and you may just find something unique that earns you celebrity status on this popular social media platform.

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Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Shanoon Cox

Step Up and Snap: Top 10 Must-Try Viral TikTok Stunts

TikTok is everywhere: After all, trends begin from this application. We have different people trying out multiple TikTok challenges daily. Do you own a TikTok account, or are you planning to sign up for the application? If yes, you can never go wrong trusting us.

It’s a new year, and you probably don’t want to keep repeating the TikTok challenge 2021 list. Fortunately, this piece is here to assist you in identifying the trendy TikTok challenges you must try. The article updates the 2022 top ten TikTok challenge list.

Walk with us to learn the prevalent challenges you need to try including TikTok challenge songs, TikTok dance challenges, and many more. You must check out mentioned details.

In this article

01 What is a TikTok challenge?

02 Top 10 TikTok Challenges in 2022

03 Top 10 Most Popular TikTok Challenge Songs

04 Make TikTok Video Excellent with Video Editor

Part 1: What is a TikTok challenge?

Naturally, the term challenge refers to a call to one or more people to participate in a contest. In simple terms, you invite someone to a competition. In our case, when we talk of the TikTok challenge, it refers to calling upon other TikTok users to do some task and post the video on the platform. Of course, since it is a challenge, we have different people performing the same task to show superiority.

tiktok challenge

It is a common hashtag all over TikTok, with millions of people following these contests. Note that different users will define the type of TikTok challenges to join. For example, if you visit the platform, you will realize that funny, scary, educational, and other viral videos such as TikTok dance challenge songs.

Part 2: Top 10 TikTok Challenges in 2022

As a valuable TikTok user, you must be interested in knowing what those are most loved and viral TikTok challenges that get appreciated by all worldwide. Here, you go with the list:

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1. In 2022, I Will

The ‘In 2022 I Will’ TikTok challenge spread like wildfire with millions of posts just before the New Year celebrations. It tops this TikTok challenge list due to its popularity. The challenge offers you many options of what you would like to do this new year.

2. The Shoot in the Sky challenge

This TikTok challenge is quite popular this year since it appreciates nature’s beauty. It currently features millions of views, with many popular TikTokers trying out the challenge. Join in the fun today with this challenge.

tiktok challenge shoot in the sky

3. Simple recipe to make Birria Ramen Noodles

If you love eating food or love cooking, this challenge is yours to try. This cooking challenge explains a simple recipe for making Ramen Noodles. It’s popular due to the simplicity of the dish and the recipe.

tiktok challenge noodle recipe

4. Cheesy Birria Ramen

This challenge is yet another option for creative food creators. It is a trending challenge with multiple people giving natural tips on easily making the Cheesy Birria Ramen.

5. The Learn Something New Challenge

We are in the early days of the year, where we mostly make plans of what to do this year. This idea is what TikTokers have with the learn something new hashtag. It is quite popular with many people showing off their skills and what people wish to learn this year.

6.The Empath TikTok Challenge

This new year we have many people trying out the Empath challenge. Thanks to its ability to look at things in a new light, it is a popular trend. The challenge is among the best go-to challenges in TikTok. Note that the trend goes way back since it appears in the TikTok Challenge 2021 list, but it is still popular this year.

the empath tiktok challenge

7. The Journal Challenge

This challenge has run for a couple of years, and it’s still powerful in 2022. It is a manifestation video explaining what you wish to achieve with time. The popularity of this challenge is thanks to its reverence to the people.

8. Hot Pot Sauce Challenge

When it comes to the food sector, one of the trendiest videos this year is the Hot Pot sauce challenge. It is a trend that often rises in almost all the videos since it is quite present in the TikTok Challenge 2021 List. Many people give a recipe on the sauce, justifying this trend. This challenge is popular because Hotpot is a popular and delicious dish.

tiktok challenge hotpot sauce

9.The Sound Like a Beat Dance Challenge

This challenge is probably the most popular dance challenge this year. It is a dance challenge that delivers a sound similar to a beat without music. Its popularity is because it is a fun challenge that accommodates everyone.

beat dance challenge

10.TikTok Song Challenge

Every week we have multiple songs trending in TikTok, with many popular creators using them. The top TikTok song challenges include Title Album by Meghan Trainor and many more.

TikTok involves making various videos using different songs. This section highlights the top best TikTok challenge songs you should try.

1. Blinding Lights by the Weekend

If you wish to go viral, this song is the ultimate choice. It is a song that will never wrong you. Besides, you can use it for different types of videos.

2. Lottery by K Camp

One of the founding songs in TikTok is the Lottery song. This music is behind the popular Renegade TikTok dance challenge of all time.

3. Savage by Megan Thee Stallion

For people looking for a song that will shake the internet, Savage won’t fail you. TikTok users refer to the savage music as the top TikTok sound.

4. I’m Just a Loser by Benee and Gus Dapperton

This song is the best choice if you are shooting a video that suits a sad but fun mood. It has TikTok plays of billions.

5. U Can’t Touch This by MC Hammer

The best song for every TikTok trend. In other words, it suits multiple moods.

6. Attention by Todrick Hall

It is an excellent TikTok challenge song for professional dancers.

7. Non-Stop by Drake

This song is perfect when you wish to make a video viral

8. Dreams by Fleetwood Mac

If you make videos abruptly, this song will never let you down.

9. Doja Cat and SZA (Kiss Me More)

This music is among the best TikTok dancing challenge songs, especially professional dancers.

10. Do It to It by Acraze

This song features a simple but fun dance challenge.

Part 4: Make TikTok Video Excellent with Video Editor

Before posting a video, TikTok users often check out its quality. After all, many of them wish that people could see their content. And despite how good a camera is, it will make mistakes. Fortunately, we have a video editor like Filmora to save the day.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

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filmora box

Many of the prevalent TikTok challenges know Filmora video editor’s power. It includes incredible features such as the AutoReframe, which allows videos to shift from horizontal to vertical automatically. Besides, it has multiple filters and elements to help improve the video’s look.

If you wish to create trendy TikTok videos this year, then the Filmora video editor is a top choice. Therefore, join millions of TikTokers who use Filmora to edit their TikTok challenges.


TikTok is where trends start, explaining why many people use this application. However, the more the users, the more expectations people have. Thus, if you are a TikToker struggling this year with the best TikTok challenges to take, then you are in the right place. Learn some essential TikTok hacks from the content above.

02 Top 10 TikTok Challenges in 2022

03 Top 10 Most Popular TikTok Challenge Songs

04 Make TikTok Video Excellent with Video Editor

Part 1: What is a TikTok challenge?

Naturally, the term challenge refers to a call to one or more people to participate in a contest. In simple terms, you invite someone to a competition. In our case, when we talk of the TikTok challenge, it refers to calling upon other TikTok users to do some task and post the video on the platform. Of course, since it is a challenge, we have different people performing the same task to show superiority.

tiktok challenge

It is a common hashtag all over TikTok, with millions of people following these contests. Note that different users will define the type of TikTok challenges to join. For example, if you visit the platform, you will realize that funny, scary, educational, and other viral videos such as TikTok dance challenge songs.

Part 2: Top 10 TikTok Challenges in 2022

As a valuable TikTok user, you must be interested in knowing what those are most loved and viral TikTok challenges that get appreciated by all worldwide. Here, you go with the list:

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A cross-platform for making videos anywhere for all creators


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1. In 2022, I Will

The ‘In 2022 I Will’ TikTok challenge spread like wildfire with millions of posts just before the New Year celebrations. It tops this TikTok challenge list due to its popularity. The challenge offers you many options of what you would like to do this new year.

2. The Shoot in the Sky challenge

This TikTok challenge is quite popular this year since it appreciates nature’s beauty. It currently features millions of views, with many popular TikTokers trying out the challenge. Join in the fun today with this challenge.

tiktok challenge shoot in the sky

3. Simple recipe to make Birria Ramen Noodles

If you love eating food or love cooking, this challenge is yours to try. This cooking challenge explains a simple recipe for making Ramen Noodles. It’s popular due to the simplicity of the dish and the recipe.

tiktok challenge noodle recipe

4. Cheesy Birria Ramen

This challenge is yet another option for creative food creators. It is a trending challenge with multiple people giving natural tips on easily making the Cheesy Birria Ramen.

5. The Learn Something New Challenge

We are in the early days of the year, where we mostly make plans of what to do this year. This idea is what TikTokers have with the learn something new hashtag. It is quite popular with many people showing off their skills and what people wish to learn this year.

6.The Empath TikTok Challenge

This new year we have many people trying out the Empath challenge. Thanks to its ability to look at things in a new light, it is a popular trend. The challenge is among the best go-to challenges in TikTok. Note that the trend goes way back since it appears in the TikTok Challenge 2021 list, but it is still popular this year.

the empath tiktok challenge

7. The Journal Challenge

This challenge has run for a couple of years, and it’s still powerful in 2022. It is a manifestation video explaining what you wish to achieve with time. The popularity of this challenge is thanks to its reverence to the people.

8. Hot Pot Sauce Challenge

When it comes to the food sector, one of the trendiest videos this year is the Hot Pot sauce challenge. It is a trend that often rises in almost all the videos since it is quite present in the TikTok Challenge 2021 List. Many people give a recipe on the sauce, justifying this trend. This challenge is popular because Hotpot is a popular and delicious dish.

tiktok challenge hotpot sauce

9.The Sound Like a Beat Dance Challenge

This challenge is probably the most popular dance challenge this year. It is a dance challenge that delivers a sound similar to a beat without music. Its popularity is because it is a fun challenge that accommodates everyone.

beat dance challenge

10.TikTok Song Challenge

Every week we have multiple songs trending in TikTok, with many popular creators using them. The top TikTok song challenges include Title Album by Meghan Trainor and many more.

TikTok involves making various videos using different songs. This section highlights the top best TikTok challenge songs you should try.

1. Blinding Lights by the Weekend

If you wish to go viral, this song is the ultimate choice. It is a song that will never wrong you. Besides, you can use it for different types of videos.

2. Lottery by K Camp

One of the founding songs in TikTok is the Lottery song. This music is behind the popular Renegade TikTok dance challenge of all time.

3. Savage by Megan Thee Stallion

For people looking for a song that will shake the internet, Savage won’t fail you. TikTok users refer to the savage music as the top TikTok sound.

4. I’m Just a Loser by Benee and Gus Dapperton

This song is the best choice if you are shooting a video that suits a sad but fun mood. It has TikTok plays of billions.

5. U Can’t Touch This by MC Hammer

The best song for every TikTok trend. In other words, it suits multiple moods.

6. Attention by Todrick Hall

It is an excellent TikTok challenge song for professional dancers.

7. Non-Stop by Drake

This song is perfect when you wish to make a video viral

8. Dreams by Fleetwood Mac

If you make videos abruptly, this song will never let you down.

9. Doja Cat and SZA (Kiss Me More)

This music is among the best TikTok dancing challenge songs, especially professional dancers.

10. Do It to It by Acraze

This song features a simple but fun dance challenge.

Part 4: Make TikTok Video Excellent with Video Editor

Before posting a video, TikTok users often check out its quality. After all, many of them wish that people could see their content. And despite how good a camera is, it will make mistakes. Fortunately, we have a video editor like Filmora to save the day.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

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filmora box

Many of the prevalent TikTok challenges know Filmora video editor’s power. It includes incredible features such as the AutoReframe, which allows videos to shift from horizontal to vertical automatically. Besides, it has multiple filters and elements to help improve the video’s look.

If you wish to create trendy TikTok videos this year, then the Filmora video editor is a top choice. Therefore, join millions of TikTokers who use Filmora to edit their TikTok challenges.


TikTok is where trends start, explaining why many people use this application. However, the more the users, the more expectations people have. Thus, if you are a TikToker struggling this year with the best TikTok challenges to take, then you are in the right place. Learn some essential TikTok hacks from the content above.

02 Top 10 TikTok Challenges in 2022

03 Top 10 Most Popular TikTok Challenge Songs

04 Make TikTok Video Excellent with Video Editor

Part 1: What is a TikTok challenge?

Naturally, the term challenge refers to a call to one or more people to participate in a contest. In simple terms, you invite someone to a competition. In our case, when we talk of the TikTok challenge, it refers to calling upon other TikTok users to do some task and post the video on the platform. Of course, since it is a challenge, we have different people performing the same task to show superiority.

tiktok challenge

It is a common hashtag all over TikTok, with millions of people following these contests. Note that different users will define the type of TikTok challenges to join. For example, if you visit the platform, you will realize that funny, scary, educational, and other viral videos such as TikTok dance challenge songs.

Part 2: Top 10 TikTok Challenges in 2022

As a valuable TikTok user, you must be interested in knowing what those are most loved and viral TikTok challenges that get appreciated by all worldwide. Here, you go with the list:

filmora logo

A cross-platform for making videos anywhere for all creators


Why your video editing isn’t good enough? How about some creative inspo?

  • 100 Million+ Users
  • 150+ Countries and Regions
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1. In 2022, I Will

The ‘In 2022 I Will’ TikTok challenge spread like wildfire with millions of posts just before the New Year celebrations. It tops this TikTok challenge list due to its popularity. The challenge offers you many options of what you would like to do this new year.

2. The Shoot in the Sky challenge

This TikTok challenge is quite popular this year since it appreciates nature’s beauty. It currently features millions of views, with many popular TikTokers trying out the challenge. Join in the fun today with this challenge.

tiktok challenge shoot in the sky

3. Simple recipe to make Birria Ramen Noodles

If you love eating food or love cooking, this challenge is yours to try. This cooking challenge explains a simple recipe for making Ramen Noodles. It’s popular due to the simplicity of the dish and the recipe.

tiktok challenge noodle recipe

4. Cheesy Birria Ramen

This challenge is yet another option for creative food creators. It is a trending challenge with multiple people giving natural tips on easily making the Cheesy Birria Ramen.

5. The Learn Something New Challenge

We are in the early days of the year, where we mostly make plans of what to do this year. This idea is what TikTokers have with the learn something new hashtag. It is quite popular with many people showing off their skills and what people wish to learn this year.

6.The Empath TikTok Challenge

This new year we have many people trying out the Empath challenge. Thanks to its ability to look at things in a new light, it is a popular trend. The challenge is among the best go-to challenges in TikTok. Note that the trend goes way back since it appears in the TikTok Challenge 2021 list, but it is still popular this year.

the empath tiktok challenge

7. The Journal Challenge

This challenge has run for a couple of years, and it’s still powerful in 2022. It is a manifestation video explaining what you wish to achieve with time. The popularity of this challenge is thanks to its reverence to the people.

8. Hot Pot Sauce Challenge

When it comes to the food sector, one of the trendiest videos this year is the Hot Pot sauce challenge. It is a trend that often rises in almost all the videos since it is quite present in the TikTok Challenge 2021 List. Many people give a recipe on the sauce, justifying this trend. This challenge is popular because Hotpot is a popular and delicious dish.

tiktok challenge hotpot sauce

9.The Sound Like a Beat Dance Challenge

This challenge is probably the most popular dance challenge this year. It is a dance challenge that delivers a sound similar to a beat without music. Its popularity is because it is a fun challenge that accommodates everyone.

beat dance challenge

10.TikTok Song Challenge

Every week we have multiple songs trending in TikTok, with many popular creators using them. The top TikTok song challenges include Title Album by Meghan Trainor and many more.

TikTok involves making various videos using different songs. This section highlights the top best TikTok challenge songs you should try.

1. Blinding Lights by the Weekend

If you wish to go viral, this song is the ultimate choice. It is a song that will never wrong you. Besides, you can use it for different types of videos.

2. Lottery by K Camp

One of the founding songs in TikTok is the Lottery song. This music is behind the popular Renegade TikTok dance challenge of all time.

3. Savage by Megan Thee Stallion

For people looking for a song that will shake the internet, Savage won’t fail you. TikTok users refer to the savage music as the top TikTok sound.

4. I’m Just a Loser by Benee and Gus Dapperton

This song is the best choice if you are shooting a video that suits a sad but fun mood. It has TikTok plays of billions.

5. U Can’t Touch This by MC Hammer

The best song for every TikTok trend. In other words, it suits multiple moods.

6. Attention by Todrick Hall

It is an excellent TikTok challenge song for professional dancers.

7. Non-Stop by Drake

This song is perfect when you wish to make a video viral

8. Dreams by Fleetwood Mac

If you make videos abruptly, this song will never let you down.

9. Doja Cat and SZA (Kiss Me More)

This music is among the best TikTok dancing challenge songs, especially professional dancers.

10. Do It to It by Acraze

This song features a simple but fun dance challenge.

Part 4: Make TikTok Video Excellent with Video Editor

Before posting a video, TikTok users often check out its quality. After all, many of them wish that people could see their content. And despite how good a camera is, it will make mistakes. Fortunately, we have a video editor like Filmora to save the day.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

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filmora box

Many of the prevalent TikTok challenges know Filmora video editor’s power. It includes incredible features such as the AutoReframe, which allows videos to shift from horizontal to vertical automatically. Besides, it has multiple filters and elements to help improve the video’s look.

If you wish to create trendy TikTok videos this year, then the Filmora video editor is a top choice. Therefore, join millions of TikTokers who use Filmora to edit their TikTok challenges.


TikTok is where trends start, explaining why many people use this application. However, the more the users, the more expectations people have. Thus, if you are a TikToker struggling this year with the best TikTok challenges to take, then you are in the right place. Learn some essential TikTok hacks from the content above.

02 Top 10 TikTok Challenges in 2022

03 Top 10 Most Popular TikTok Challenge Songs

04 Make TikTok Video Excellent with Video Editor

Part 1: What is a TikTok challenge?

Naturally, the term challenge refers to a call to one or more people to participate in a contest. In simple terms, you invite someone to a competition. In our case, when we talk of the TikTok challenge, it refers to calling upon other TikTok users to do some task and post the video on the platform. Of course, since it is a challenge, we have different people performing the same task to show superiority.

tiktok challenge

It is a common hashtag all over TikTok, with millions of people following these contests. Note that different users will define the type of TikTok challenges to join. For example, if you visit the platform, you will realize that funny, scary, educational, and other viral videos such as TikTok dance challenge songs.

Part 2: Top 10 TikTok Challenges in 2022

As a valuable TikTok user, you must be interested in knowing what those are most loved and viral TikTok challenges that get appreciated by all worldwide. Here, you go with the list:

filmora logo

A cross-platform for making videos anywhere for all creators


Why your video editing isn’t good enough? How about some creative inspo?

  • 100 Million+ Users
  • 150+ Countries and Regions
  • 4 Million+ Social Media Followers
  • 5 Million+ Stock Media for Use

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1. In 2022, I Will

The ‘In 2022 I Will’ TikTok challenge spread like wildfire with millions of posts just before the New Year celebrations. It tops this TikTok challenge list due to its popularity. The challenge offers you many options of what you would like to do this new year.

2. The Shoot in the Sky challenge

This TikTok challenge is quite popular this year since it appreciates nature’s beauty. It currently features millions of views, with many popular TikTokers trying out the challenge. Join in the fun today with this challenge.

tiktok challenge shoot in the sky

3. Simple recipe to make Birria Ramen Noodles

If you love eating food or love cooking, this challenge is yours to try. This cooking challenge explains a simple recipe for making Ramen Noodles. It’s popular due to the simplicity of the dish and the recipe.

tiktok challenge noodle recipe

4. Cheesy Birria Ramen

This challenge is yet another option for creative food creators. It is a trending challenge with multiple people giving natural tips on easily making the Cheesy Birria Ramen.

5. The Learn Something New Challenge

We are in the early days of the year, where we mostly make plans of what to do this year. This idea is what TikTokers have with the learn something new hashtag. It is quite popular with many people showing off their skills and what people wish to learn this year.

6.The Empath TikTok Challenge

This new year we have many people trying out the Empath challenge. Thanks to its ability to look at things in a new light, it is a popular trend. The challenge is among the best go-to challenges in TikTok. Note that the trend goes way back since it appears in the TikTok Challenge 2021 list, but it is still popular this year.

the empath tiktok challenge

7. The Journal Challenge

This challenge has run for a couple of years, and it’s still powerful in 2022. It is a manifestation video explaining what you wish to achieve with time. The popularity of this challenge is thanks to its reverence to the people.

8. Hot Pot Sauce Challenge

When it comes to the food sector, one of the trendiest videos this year is the Hot Pot sauce challenge. It is a trend that often rises in almost all the videos since it is quite present in the TikTok Challenge 2021 List. Many people give a recipe on the sauce, justifying this trend. This challenge is popular because Hotpot is a popular and delicious dish.

tiktok challenge hotpot sauce

9.The Sound Like a Beat Dance Challenge

This challenge is probably the most popular dance challenge this year. It is a dance challenge that delivers a sound similar to a beat without music. Its popularity is because it is a fun challenge that accommodates everyone.

beat dance challenge

10.TikTok Song Challenge

Every week we have multiple songs trending in TikTok, with many popular creators using them. The top TikTok song challenges include Title Album by Meghan Trainor and many more.

TikTok involves making various videos using different songs. This section highlights the top best TikTok challenge songs you should try.

1. Blinding Lights by the Weekend

If you wish to go viral, this song is the ultimate choice. It is a song that will never wrong you. Besides, you can use it for different types of videos.

2. Lottery by K Camp

One of the founding songs in TikTok is the Lottery song. This music is behind the popular Renegade TikTok dance challenge of all time.

3. Savage by Megan Thee Stallion

For people looking for a song that will shake the internet, Savage won’t fail you. TikTok users refer to the savage music as the top TikTok sound.

4. I’m Just a Loser by Benee and Gus Dapperton

This song is the best choice if you are shooting a video that suits a sad but fun mood. It has TikTok plays of billions.

5. U Can’t Touch This by MC Hammer

The best song for every TikTok trend. In other words, it suits multiple moods.

6. Attention by Todrick Hall

It is an excellent TikTok challenge song for professional dancers.

7. Non-Stop by Drake

This song is perfect when you wish to make a video viral

8. Dreams by Fleetwood Mac

If you make videos abruptly, this song will never let you down.

9. Doja Cat and SZA (Kiss Me More)

This music is among the best TikTok dancing challenge songs, especially professional dancers.

10. Do It to It by Acraze

This song features a simple but fun dance challenge.

Part 4: Make TikTok Video Excellent with Video Editor

Before posting a video, TikTok users often check out its quality. After all, many of them wish that people could see their content. And despite how good a camera is, it will make mistakes. Fortunately, we have a video editor like Filmora to save the day.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

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filmora box

Many of the prevalent TikTok challenges know Filmora video editor’s power. It includes incredible features such as the AutoReframe, which allows videos to shift from horizontal to vertical automatically. Besides, it has multiple filters and elements to help improve the video’s look.

If you wish to create trendy TikTok videos this year, then the Filmora video editor is a top choice. Therefore, join millions of TikTokers who use Filmora to edit their TikTok challenges.


TikTok is where trends start, explaining why many people use this application. However, the more the users, the more expectations people have. Thus, if you are a TikToker struggling this year with the best TikTok challenges to take, then you are in the right place. Learn some essential TikTok hacks from the content above.

Also read:

  • Title: Boosting Video Popularity on TikTok's Top List
  • Author: Brian
  • Created at : 2024-05-23 15:48:12
  • Updated at : 2024-05-24 15:48:12
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
On this page
Boosting Video Popularity on TikTok's Top List